Unpacked local gem ci_reporter and ch... was committed by dabbi
Tuesday Oct 20
changeset -
unpacked local gem ci_reporter http:/... was committed by dabbi 06:08 PM changeset
added admin_test.rb and modded other ... was committed by Davíð Lúðvíksson 03:33 PM changeset
us1 create user modelwas updated by davidhalldorWednesday May 06
ticket -
Added pages CMS http://github.com/dav... was committed by Davíð Lúðvíksson
Tuesday May 05
changeset -
Added pages for content management ht... was committed by Davíð Lúðvíksson 09:03 PM changeset
Added frozen rails 2.2.2 http://githu... was committed by Davíð Lúðvíksson 04:47 PM changeset
Fixed gitignore http://github.com/dav... was committed by Davíð Lúðvíksson 04:42 PM changeset
Reverted back to 2.2.2 http://github.... was committed by Davíð Lúðvíksson 04:34 PM changeset
Deployment script fixed and works for... was committed by Davíð Lúðvíksson 04:10 PM changeset